Fix up look sharp

Just a little follow on from yesterdays blog....

If like me you suck at painting nails and often find yourself covered in nail varnish... here is something that will help make things a lot easier!..

I found this nail varnish corrector pen on ASOS and boy could I have done with this yesterday.  You should have seen me wrapping a pencil up in tissue paper and dipping that into nail varnish remover for the finishing touches!.... Needless to say it didn't work very well! So glad I have found this, it is going in my basket for the next time I order!

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Thanks for reading harrietdaisy! Don't forget to follow me and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions! XOXO


  1. This is awesome, I totally need this!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I need this! I've seen Essies version but never got round to it! Looks great xo



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